Welcome to the Saturday recap. Enjoy!

Personal Development

This week, the focus is on productivity.  Sometimes we are busy. Sometimes we are productive. Often, we confuse the two. These posts help us understand and sort out the differences.

To Do List Alternative. This first post of the week provides a new approach to try. Instead of a long list of to-do items we can have two lists: the have-to-do and hope-to-do.

Busy is Not Productive.  There is a difference, and this post explores how to know if we are spending our time being busy or being productive.

The Downside of Habits. This post explores how our habits can become so routine that they lose intentionality, and we don’t experience what we are doing.

Exploring Productivity.  Our productivity has both friends and enemies. This post helps us determine which is which and leverage to our advantage.

We Move What We Measure.  The week explored different dimensions of productivity and this final post suggests maybe we measure “busy” and see how it might change the way we work.

One Shade Greener

This week, the sustainability post – Space or Stuff – pushes us to consider where we need more space in our lives and how to get rid of the stuff to provide room for what’s next. 

If you are interested in starting or continuing a sustainability journey, One Shade Greener at Home, could be the perfect resource. Full of brands and links to put greener products at your fingertips.


This week, there are six podcasts on the list ranging from burnout and mental health to deep reading, setting boundaries, and smart shopping.  I hope you find at least one you connect with.

The Perils of Following Your Career Passion. 35 minutes. TED Talks Daily.  This episode focuses on perspectives from Adam Grant on how to make the most of your work.

Mental Health is Becoming Critical to Workplace Organizational Culture. 9 minutes. Wharton Business Daily.  A discussion on what companies can do to support mental wellbeing.

5 Questions to Help Us Keep Burnout at Bay. 8 minutes. Modern Mentor. Tips for small steps that can provide some relief and space to move forward.

How to Practice Deep Reading. 24 minutes. Life Kit. Maryanne Wolf is an expert in the science of reading. She shares how we can stop skimming and read with intention.

Make Boundaries Positive. 4 minutes. Before Breakfast. This episode covers a simple shift from what you won’t do to what you will do.  She provides great examples.

The Best Time of the Year to Buy Many Items. 10 minutes. Optimal Finance Daily. Andrea Joy walks through the calendar year and notes the optimal times to make key purchases.