Someone recently asked me the question:

Does a full schedule give you comfort or anxiety?

I found the question thought-provoking.

My Perspective

As I began to consider the question, I realized the answer is “it depends”.

With a full calendar of meetings that others have set with no breaks between – anxiety ensues.

I don’t have the downtime needed to recharge, get work done, and be at my best.

On the flipside, a full calendar with blocks of work time interspersed with meetings is comforting.

This schedule nudges me on work to be done, has flexibility, and still has connection with others.

Maybe the difference is control.

The first schedule is controlled by the needs of others with no care for what I might need.

The second schedule respects the needs of both.

As I thought about the question, my mind started to expand to the “to-do” list.

For me, a long list without structure causes anxiety.

The same list planned across a week with items on each day is comforting and achievable.

Maybe this is why the second full schedule works.

The work blocks are the times scheduled to accomplish my “to-do” list.

Your Turn

Does a full schedule cause anxiety or comfort?

Are there conditions where the tide can shift from comfort to anxiety?

What about your to-do list?  Is it comforting or anxiety inducing?