I’ve read articles from Forbes to small companies that cover the topic of being the CEO of your Home.

Lisa Woodruff also talks about this concept on her podcast – Organize365.

The concept is interesting and underlines how our responsibilities at home mirror those in a company.

We need a finance leader to manage our short- and long-term financial goals.

A project manager to keep our schedules and ensure we are prepared for all the events.

Operations lead who keeps our systems running.

Chef to shop and prepare our food.

Cleaning service to maintain clutter and keep everything sparkly.

Maintenance and disaster recovery to come in when the unexpected happens.

You see the list can go on and on.

The resources talk about concepts that range from creating home missions and plans, to delegating tasks, and outsourcing responsibilities.

My Perspective

While I’m 100% onboard that our homes are a complex ecosystem that requires leadership and management like a company, I struggle with the CEO concept.

Our families don’t have the expertise in all areas that a company with a CEO has.

We don’t have the resources – size of “team” and often financial reserves – to delegate or outsource in the way that a company can.

I would use the analogy of a solopreneur instead – little money and resources, lack of knowledge in a lot of disciplines required to run the business, and yet the weight of all the responsibility.

This doesn’t change the concept.

Instead, this comparison highlights how unequipped we are (or often feel) when it comes to smoothly running our homes.

We try to make things look under control, but beneath the surface there could be chaos.

Running a home while managing a job and trying to eek in some fun along the way is a challenge.

Continuing to develop resources and tools will help, but there is much work to be done.

Your Turn

How would you describe your role(s) at home in business terms? 

Do you feel qualified and equipped to handle each of those roles efficiently? 

What resources would help support you in managing your home?