The last two days, we have covered time and strengths as two self-awareness areas to help achieve our goals. Today, we are going to cover the third (and final) area – motivation.
The three assessments below can help us understand projects that get us excited to wake up in the morning and dive in. Each has a published book that you can purchase as a compliment.
This assessment helps you understand work that “sparks” you. What types of activities put you in a state of flow and bring you connection and joy. There are xx different Sparketypes and your report lets you know your primary, shadow, and anti-types. The assessment provides 40-50 statements and you indicated how strongly you agree or disagree with each. Overall, it takes 10-15 minutes. You can take the assessment for free here. The book on Amazon is here.
Motivation Code
The Motivation Code helps you understand what drives your engagement, satisfaction, and fulfillment. The approach taken for this evaluation is unique. You write stories in paragraph format about times that you felt deep engagement. There is a structure to the information you share and that is where they pull the insights. The report you receive shows the ranking of 27 motivational themes and their impact. The assessment costs $49 to take and can be accessed here. The book on Amazon is here.
One Green Thing – Service Superpower
This assessment is a bit different from the others as it was developed by Heather White to define your superpower to make a difference with climate change. There are seven different superpowers. While I found it applicable for its intended purpose, I think your superpower can apply to any cause you are passionate about. The assessment has 25 questions in a multiple-choice format and takes 5-10 minutes. You can take the assessment for free here. The book on Amazon is here.
My Story
I’ve taken all three assessments and saw patterns across them. The Motivation Code is fascinating how they pull the insight from your stories. All three aligned in their own ways to point out that my motivation is to gather information, distill it down, and share with others to support them in whatever they are trying to accomplish.
This explains why I love strategy, coaching, writing, and training!
Your Turn
Have you taken any of these assessments?
What were your results?
Do they feel true to who you are?