Colleges have started creating classes based on Taylor Swift.

Classes on her music, her writing, and her business acumen.

From the creative to the scientific, her life has many lessons we can all draw from.

There is one insight from her recent tour that I think we should all consider:

The idea that our life is has different eras.

An era is typically a period of millions of years, yet the concept applies to life.

She broke her eras by phases of her albums.

My Perspective

I have always looked at my career in “chapters”.

The chapters were defined by both the position I held as well as the state of my life outside of work.

Looking at my career in this way has enabled me to celebrate moments and expand into different areas.

I realized types of work that were not for me, explored, and found things I loved.

My chapters loosely followed the decades – my 20’s, 30’s, 40’s – and each brought unique challenges.

I think the idea of eras has a more magical feel than chapters.

Same concept, different perspective.

I wonder what would happen if I tried to name my eras – like the albums of my life.

Would a story emerge?

What if, for fun, I considered my “look” across the eras.

Taylor showed us how hers look changed, how did mine?

Your Turn

Do you see the different eras of your life / career?

What are the defining elements of each stage?

Does knowing you will go through eras change your perspective on what is possible in your career?