When we look for advice on our career, there are a lot of options.

You can seek advice from books, 1on1 with others, and even within groups. 

Some options are free, while others take an investment.  

With each alternative, there is preparation needed.

The approaches you choose can make or break the advice you receive. 

Today, we’ll cover a framework I developed to help think about the options.

Depending on your needs at this point in your career this can help identify the options.

My Perspective

I wanted to provide a framework of what I see as coaching alternatives to consider. 

Personally, when I decide to pursue career advice, there are two questions top of mind.

  1. What is the format?
  2. How much will it cost?

Those two questions are answered in the chart below. 

The columns represent the options you take on alone to those that involve a group. 

The rows cover the average monthly costs of each alternative. 

While costs can vary from coach to coach, these numbers provide a range of what to expect.

Monthly CostsAlone1on1With a Group
$500+Degree or Professional Certificate Program  Executive CoachMastermind Group  
$50-$500Online Courses and Workshops  Coach  Group Coaching  
Under $50BooksMentor  Personal Board of Directors  

Your Turn

Have you tried any of the career advice alternatives in the chart?

Were the costs in line with what you see here?  Are there options missing?

Is there one you would like to explore in the year ahead for your personal development?