This morning I listened to a podcast by Laura Vanderkam titled “Plant Seeds to Enjoy the Harvest”. 

The concept was that you need to intentionally plant seeds so that things have an opportunity for a harvest in the future.  I think this is an interesting concept in relation to life stages and phases.

I’m in my early 50’s and I have a lot of conversations with those just a bit older and just a bit younger about retirement, semi-retirement, a next career or whatever we might want to call the next phase of our lives. 

Which Path to Take?

Some are looking forward to a life of relaxation without commitments.

Others can’t image a world without work.

There are many in between. 

Those in the middle are looking to continue with something that is fulfilling but doesn’t have the stress of the high-pressure roles they’ve had for most of their career.

A small few have a vision for what they would love to do, and the others are struggling to find their way. 

The advice I provide is all about planting seeds.  Spending time proactively discovering what you enjoy doing and consider what that could turn into in the future. 

My Story – Planting Seeds

About seven years ago, I started to renew my love for photography and began taking classes.  I also dove even deeper into personal development which started my passion to become a certified coach. 

Along the way, I remembered I love puzzles, started reading again, and even realized that cooking – something I didn’t do or enjoy – can be fun and relaxing.

Life is a bit like a wave, we spend the early years watching, learning, and trying things out. 

Then, we jump on and get swept away.  Life becomes so busy – career, family, commitments – and we lose our sense of wonder. 

Eventually, the wave calms.  Kids grow up, retirement is drawing near, and we search for new adventures on the horizon and begin to ask ourselves questions.

How do we now add value?

How do we discover what we will become next?

Maybe it’s all about planting seeds and discovering what grows.

Your Turn

Have you been planting seeds?

What new seeds might you plant this year?

Try activities on. 

Find space to discover again. 

Start something. 

You never know which seeds will produce the most bountiful harvest.