A MeEO realizes their role is to be the Chief Executive Officer of their life & career.

They are in charge and accountable to the “Board of Directors” of their choice.

I searched for the “Top 10” responsibilities of a CEO and adapted the list for the MeEO.

The responsibilities can vary depending on the size and type of organization (life).

However, the 10 responsibilities that apply to most are summarized below.

Top 10 Responsibilities of the MeEO

1. Strategic Vision and Planning: Setting overall direction and long-term goals. This includes defining a mission, vision, and values.

2. Leadership: Leading the direction of our life rather than enabling others to determine what is best for us and set us on our course. This involves creating a culture and empowering others.

3. Management: Overseeing the performance of the core departments – the 8 dimensions of wellbeing (link) – ensuring the health and stability of each.

4. Operations Oversight: Ensuring that our lives operate efficiently and effectively. This includes day-to-day operations (habits/routines) and ensuring everything is aligned with goals.

5. Decision Making: Making high-level decisions about policy and strategy. This includes financial decisions, resource allocation, and “business” (life) development.

6. Stakeholder Communication: Our lives are full of stakeholders, and we need to communicate to ensure they are aligned with our plans. This involves maintaining transparency and building trust.

7. Innovation and Growth: Driving new ideas and seeking opportunities for growth. This includes exploring new growth in all 8 dimensions of wellbeing (link).

8. Risk Management: Identifying and managing potential risks to success. This includes assessing risks to the plan and implementing strategies to mitigate them.

9. Governance: Ensuring adherence to regulations and ethical standards. This also includes social and environmental responsibility to the community in which we reside.

10. Public Relations: Serving as the spokesperson and advocating for ourselves. This can be with family, friends, companies, and within our community. Ensure and build personal brand equity.

Your Turn

What do you think of this list?

Do these dimensions seem appropriate when shifted to how we run our lives?

What additional responsibilities of a CEO do you see missing from this list?