I came across a note I had taken from a book or podcast that said this:

“Paths (career/education) pull you back, while passions and purpose propel you forward.”


The quote intrigued me and tied to the long-standing debate around following your passions.

A little more research led me to a Harvard Business Review article titled “3 Reasons it’s so Hard to Follow Your Passions”.

A few interesting points from the article include:

  • Passion is developed over time, not found in an instant.
  • Passions can change and evolve over time – waning and growing stronger.
  • We may be given more assignments than our peers because we are passionate about the work.
  • Passion can lead us to be overconfident and not ask enough questions / push the work.
  • We aren’t taught HOW to follow our passion. 
  • Realizing the benefits and drawbacks are important.

My Perspective

The article tied nicely to the original quote that inspired this post.

If our paths or passions are too rigid, challenges will ensue.

We need to treat our career journeys like a quest.

Always exploring.

Always learning.

Following the type of work, companies and causes we care about.

Continuing to believe in the work we are doing shifts work from a job to a career.

Your Turn

What did you think of the quote and article?

Do you follow your passion in your career?

How do you think following passions helps and can hurt long term fulfillment?