As we move through the third quarter, we may already start thinking about the year ahead.

Nothing specific, just ideas.

Where might we want to focus?

What could we change to make our lives just a bit better.

Some ideas will be small.

Others will have more of an impact.

My Perspective

I believe that we should capture all the ideas flowing in our mind during this time.

We could use a simple four box to categorize them.

Then, when we are ready to do our planning for the next year, we have a head start.

Below is a chart to consider:

Evolutionary and Challenging to Implement
Transformational and Challenging to Implement
Evolutionary and Easy to Implement  
Transformational and Easy to Implement  

Some of the ideas we have might transform our lives.

Others may improve our day to day but be more evolutionary.

Then, there is the implementation.

Some changes are easy while others are going to be challenging.

This simple grid will help us see where most of our ideas are falling.

When it’s time to plan, we can make sure we don’t have more than 1-2 in quadrant #1.

Your Turn

Do you capture ideas to plan for the year ahead?

Are there ideas bubbling that you are getting excited about?

Where would those ideas fall on the chart above?