Work is full of planning and goal setting.

Annual business plans.

Monthly plans to meet sales goals.

Weekly planning meetings.

Daily to-do lists that tie to those goals and plans.

Yet, we don’t typically have that same type of planning for our career and our life overall.

My Story

I’m a fan of personal planning days.

The days you set aside for you to think about the future – short or long term.

About 10 years ago, I started creating a plan for the year and selecting a word to guide the vision.

I set aside at least a half day each month to look back and plan for the month ahead.

This process covers my whole life – career, relationships, health, family, hobbies, and more.

I review where I’ve been.

Assess where I’m at.

Dream of where I’m going next.

This creates a sense of both accomplishment and calm.

My Perspective

Day-to-day our lives can get a bit overwhelming and feel out of control.

Planning day has a way of removing that sense of overwhelm.

Many struggle to imagine having the time to set aside the time each month.

My advice – just put it on the calendar.

Commit to yourself this is a “meeting” you won’t skip or postpone.

Your future self will thank you.

As we move into the last months of the year, this is the perfect time for a planning day.

To get some inspiration, this post provides ideas.

Your Turn

Do you have a personal planning cycle that encompasses more than work projects?        

Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything in your life?

When is the first day with at least 2 hours open to schedule your own planning day?