Our work is an integral part of our daily lives.

The career choices we make shape our attitude and impact our overall wellbeing.

Over time, many of us can find ourselves in a job not quite sure how we got there.

Today we explore the second dimension of wellbeing – occupational.

Keeping an eye on the 5 areas below can help ensure we have high occupational wellbeing.

5 Elements of Occupational Wellbeing

Meaningful Work: Whether it’s contributing to a cause we believe in, solving complex problems, or making a positive impact on others, finding meaning in our work elevates our job from an obligation to a fulfilling vocation.  We can reflect on our values, passions, and life goals to align our occupation with a deeper sense of purpose.

Balance: There will always be a delicate dance between our work and personal life.  Striking the right integration of the two prevents burnout, reduces stress, and enhances overall life satisfaction.  We need to resist the culture that glorifies busyness and ensure we prioritize self-care and relaxation.  Taking moments to unwind keeps us at our best to bring our best selves to the work we do.

Atmosphere: The environment we work in plays an integral role in our occupational wellbeing.  The atmosphere encompasses our workspace, the culture of our company, and where and when you work.  The atmosphere that is a great fit for one person may not be a positive environment for another.  A positive atmosphere can also stimulate creativity and innovation.  Consider where and when you do your best work and find ways to incorporate that environment more frequently.

Relationships: We spend many hours of our week collaborating with our co-workers – in person or online.  Ensuring those connections are strong and positive can have a significant impact on our overall wellbeing.  We can consider who are our accountability partners, coaches, friends, challengers, and more.  Understanding their role in our wellbeing allows us to foster the relationship in a positive direction.

Growth: Occupational wellbeing changes and evolves over time.  When we proactively embrace a mindset of continuous learning, we stay more relevant and fulfilled in our field and our role.  Growth could involve formal education, attending workshops, networking with colleagues in our field, or simply staying abreast of industry trends. Continuous learning not only enhances your skills but also adds a layer of excitement and growth to your occupational journey.

My Perspective

Our occupational wellbeing often has an influence on other dimensions of our wellbeing.

Our career can impact our relationships, health, and personal finances.

The more we can understand what drives us and what holds us back, the easier it will be to get other areas of our wellbeing into alignment.

Your Turn

How are you feeling about your occupational wellbeing?

Is your current workload sustainable over time?

What creates stress and “clutter” in your career?