Yesterday, we discussed how personal development can be thought of as a quest.

Thinking deeper about this, the journey of life is full of quests.

Living on our own.

Raising babies….toddlers…teenagers…young adults.

Navigating our careers.

Starting a business.

Expressing creativity through a blog, podcast, or other avenue.

Exploring retirement or “semi-retirement”.

My Perspective

These life quests can be trickier to navigate than those mentioned yesterday.

We are pushing into the unknown without a roadmap.

There are often lots of options without a clear, right answer.

We often go on these quests alone.

Sometimes we don’t want to admit we don’t know what we are doing.

Maybe we should consider questing with a group.

Others are on the same quests that we are on.

Share what we are learning.

The ups and downs.

Provide encouragement.

Your Turn

Do you see these quests in your life?

Are they different from the ones mentioned yesterday?

How might you partner with others on a life quest?