We see information all the time on investment portfolios.

We are taught to invest for the future.

Diversify our assets.

Ensure we are financially prepared for the future.

My Perspective

I believe we should plan our income like our investments.

Why not have an income portfolio?

That way, if there is a loss in one area of the portfolio, you can lean on another.


Side Hustles.

Second…or third jobs.

These approaches aren’t seen as the norm, but why not?

If you lose your job and you have nothing else, panic could set in.

On the other hand, with a portfolio of income sources you start to remove risk.

Passive income.

Active income.

Innovative ways to contribute and thrive.

My Story

I’ve had side businesses for over 10 years now.

Why has it taken so long for me to think about this!

I see my income streams.

My portfolio is coming to life.

Your Turn

Do you have an income portfolio?

If not, what might yours look like?

How could you begin to take steps toward that today?