When we talk about our careers, we are quick to note our footprints.

We tell others about our degree.

The college we attended.

The companies we’ve worked for.

The titles we’ve held.

Awards won.

Promotions achieved.

Yet these are just the steps of our journey.

What we don’t talk about are our fingerprints.

These are the marks we leave on the work we do.

The legacy we are building.

The unique gifts we bring to the table.

What if we flipped the script?

What if we stopped talking about our footprints?

What if we talked about our fingerprints?

The contributions we make.

Ideas we have.

Talents we bring.

Maybe the challenge is that fingerprints are hard.

We may not see our own value.

Lack confidence.

Think “everyone” can do what we can do.

So, we hide behind the title…. the company…. the clients.

I believe it’s time to start claiming our fingerprints!

Your Turn

Do you recognize your unique fingerprints?

Do you lead introductions with your footprints or your fingerprints?

How would conversations shift if everyone focused on their unique fingerprints?