When it comes to creativity, there are mixed messages on mental clutter.

On the one hand, a mind cluttered with many experiences and different pieces of knowledge can leverage the information to make new connections and spark creativity.

On the other hand, a mind cluttered with the mental load of day-to-day life from picking up milk to an assignment due on Friday doesn’t provide the space to think creatively.

My Perspective – A Full and Uncluttered Mind

Considering both points of view, I’ve come to believe that both are correct.

Having more experience and information stored in your mind allows unexpected connections to happen even when there isn’t a specific problem at hand looking to be solved.

This is not a cluttered mind.

The mind is full.

Ideas flow.

The mind cluttered with the noise of everyday doesn’t have the space to enable connections. 

When we are busy keeping track of our schedules, our to-do lists, and what we are having for dinner, we don’t have room to think about anything else.

Ideas may be churning behind the scenes, but we are too consumed by everyday clutter to notice. 

What might happen if we spent time finding the space to let creativity flow?

Imagine what might be possible.

Your Turn

Do you struggle with creativity?

Is your mind full, cluttered, or both?

What might you do to increase how full your mind is and reduce the level of clutter?

If you had more space for creativity, what would you do with it?