Careers are a funny thing.

We define them individually and as a society.

We talk about “retirement” after 30 years of work.

Yet, the math on this equation doesn’t realistically work.

If we start work in our early 20’s, retirement would be in our early 50s.

Yet, we can’t draw from retirement funds until 59 ½ without penalty.

The irony is that over 50 is a great time for work.

We have the experience gained over 30 years.

If we had children, they are likely grown up and out on their own – making us more available and much less sleep deprived.

We are energized to make a difference and often looking to leave stressful management roles.

The Challenge

All the corporate resources are focused on the climb…. not the decent.

We help employees navigate promotions, growth, and increased responsibilities.

We aren’t as good at supporting the transition down the ladder.

Those over 50 are considering all kinds of options:

Moving to an all-new career

Shifting from full time to part time

Starting a small business.


Fractional or freelance.

Getting back to “doing the work” instead of “managing the work”.

Most companies don’t have programs to support employees ready for a change.

Hiring teams don’t understand that these employees might be looking for something different – so, resumes appear to be “overqualified” and “too expensive”.

HR teams don’t realize that these team members might be good with pay cuts, reduced work weeks, less lofty titles, reduced/no management responsibilities, and more.

Opportunities for both the individuals and businesses are being missed every day.

My Perspective

This birthday week really has me thinking about this challenge.

I find myself in the “messy middle” striving to create the career I want for this chapter.

Resources are scarce and there aren’t many roadmaps out there to help figure it out.

I’ve been learning/reading A LOT.

The journey has been fun, but not free of challenges.

My hope is that I can start to help others who are just behind me on the path.

Your Turn

Are you beginning to think about “Climbing Down the Ladder”?

What do you want to do?

Do you know the steps to begin to take to get there?