It’s National Bucket List Day!

The role of the bucket list is to help you get the most out of life.  The list contains your hopes, dreams, and aspirations that you want to accomplish before you die. 

By creating a list, people often start striving to check them off and find that they discover more gratitude and fulfillment in the everyday.

My Perspective – Create a Career Bucket List

When you look at the things on many bucket lists, the actions often include life milestones (i.e., having children), travel (i.e., go to Europe), and unique experiences (i.e., take a hot air balloon ride).

While I think this is a wonderful list you should have, I also wonder what would happen if we created a career bucket list.  This is the place where we put the hopes and dreams for a core part of our lives. 

This list could include:

  • Short term dreams related to you current job.
  • Long term goals for jobs and careers you aspire to have.
  • Hobbies that you want more time to pursue.
  • The vocation or calling you feel deep inside but haven’t tried.
  • The side hustle that you’ve talked about for years.

The possibilities are endless. 

With a little time to dream, who knows what could end up on your career bucket list!

Your Turn

Can you find 15 minutes today to create (or at least start) your career bucket list?

What is the first thing that pops into your mind that must be on the list?

Do the things on your list tie tightly, loosely, or not at all to your current career?