Understanding Willpower & Waypower

Understanding Willpower & Waypower

We dive into the new year with hope for what we want. Considering the formula, it’s now our willpower + waypower that will make the difference. As I continue to dive into this concept, we need these dimensions to be at optimal levels. Too much or too little of each...
Digging Into Waypower

Digging Into Waypower

Yesterday, the focus was on willpower. Today, we move to the second element of hope needed to meet our goals – waypower. Charles Snyder, the psychologist and hope researcher who developed the hope formula defines waypower as our “ability to find new pathways to reach...
Digging Into Willpower

Digging Into Willpower

We’ve covered the formula of hope over the last couple of weeks. Today and tomorrow, we’ll dig a little deeper into willpower & waypower. First up is willpower. When we look at the definition, willpower is “the ability to control one’s own actions, emotions, or...
55 Personal Development Post Highlights

55 Personal Development Post Highlights

Yesterday, I turned 55.  To celebrate, I decided to create a list of 55 of my favorite blog posts (from the 385 I’ve published) to jump start your personal development. The look back reminded me of the topics I’ve dug into in the last two years. You’ll see...
What To Do When Goals Are Far Away

What To Do When Goals Are Far Away

I heard a comment the other day that was discouraging. “People think they are too far away from their goals to even try.” – Jennifer Mackey-Mary It was in the context of weight loss but could apply to any goal we might have. My Perspective I started thinking about...