When resumes are updated, we consider our strengths.

How can we highlight what makes us unique?

In the search for that special sauce, those who have taken CliftonStrengths have a great tool.

We can use insights from the report to integrate words in our resume.

We can wrap career stories around those strengths.

And remember the challenges that come when they are in overdrive.

My Perspective

CliftonStrengths is such a strong tool for highlighting our uniqueness.

This got me thinking how we can leverage those insights in the job search itself.

Our approach to the process shouldn’t be one size fits all.

Even thinking at the domain level, there are insights that could be gleaned.

Here are some differences in how each domain might approach the job search:

Executing Themes

Those who lead with the executing themes (Achiever, Arranger, Belief, Consistency, Deliberative, Discipline, Focus, Responsibility, and Restorative) would be best served to start jumping in and acting. They naturally have what it takes to get things done and their actions will create the path to the new role.

Influencing Themes

Those with influencing themes dominant (Activator, Command, Communication, Competition, Maximizer, Self-Assurance, Significance, and Woo) should start taking charge of the situation, describing what they want, and making sure their situation is known.

Relationship Themes

Those who lead with Relationships (Adaptability, Connectedness, Developer, Empathy, Harmony, Includer, Individualization, Positivity, and Relator) should start networking. Scheduling 1on1 meetings, attending events, and getting out there will increase the chance of hearing about the right next thing coming along.

Thinking Themes

Those dominant with the thinking themes (Analytical, Context, Futuristic, Ideation, Input, Intellection, Learner, and Strategic) could lean into starting with inner work to gain clarity and confidence before going out into the world with their search. Setting a vision for the role they want, updating resumes, and creating a plan of action might be good first steps.

Over the next four days, we will dive into each of the four domains.

Each theme will be highlighted with ideas for how to use each strength in our job search.

Your Turn

Which domain do you lead with?

Does this post provide some insight into activities that could be the right jump start for you?

What is one action you could take today to start the search?

NOTE: To check out all the posts in the series this week, here are the links: Executing Themes, Influencing Themes, Relationship Themes, and Thinking Themes.