There is a framework that is credited to Jack Balousek, former president of True North Communications.

He said there are three phases of our life – the phase when we are learning, the phase where we take that learning and earn, and then the phase where we return what we have learned to invest in others.

My Perspective

I think this is an interesting cycle to consider.

However, I don’t think this applies to our lives as a single cycle anymore.

We are constantly moving through the cycle in all areas of our lives.

We learn something, sustain at our peak, and then teach/share what we have learned.

When we are earning in one area, we may be learning or returning in another area.

My Story

To test the theory, I thought I would look at my career.

I’ve worked in several different disciplines, continued formal & informal learning, and pursued certifications and passions outside of my primary occupation.

The chart below shows learning in light blue, earning in mid-blue, and returning in dark blue.

The assessment is far from scientific, but I enjoyed the insights it gave me.

I see that I give back more naturally in my non-occupation areas.

The occupation bars have the biggest earning sections.

The smallest earning/returning bar was my college degree in engineering.

Yet, that foundation shaped how I think in all the others.

Your Turn 

What might your learn/earn/return chart look like? 

Have you continued learning in new areas throughout your career? 

Where do you do most of your “returning”?