We want our dream job.

We go to college.

Take the right classes.

Start in the industry.

Work toward that dream job.

Chase the dream.

Somewhere along the way, many realize the dream is elusive.

I heard a quote recently that stuck:

“Stop searching for your dream job and start chasing your dream lifestyle.” – Unknown

My Perspective

Maybe the reason the dream job eludes us is that it doesn’t fit into the life we want.

We spend so much time chasing our dream career.

We forget to consider the rest of our life and the other dreams we have.

Looking at all the areas of wellbeing together can provide insights.

We can see how our career fits with the other dimensions of our life.

This allows us to adjust our career plans in a way that fits.

Our career dreams aligned with our lifestyle dreams.

Instead of competing, they become in harmony.

Your Turn

Are you chasing a career dream?

Do challenging conflicts crop up with other aspects of your life?

How could looking at the 8 areas of wellbeing together support your career dream?