Within a Deliotte report on the passion of the explorer, the chart below caught my attention:

This made me think about people I know – some driven more by ambition, others by passion.

Neither are “right” and most of us have a fair blend of both.

With a little more digging into the topic, I found another chart I liked from a Medium article:

This one seems to demonstrate that there is a balance that achieves a sweet spot.

My Perspective

I agree with the concept of finding balance between ambition and passion.

With the second chart, I struggle a little with happiness being the dimension of the x-axis.

Optimum happiness with a career likely happens at the sweet spot.

Understanding where we lean on the five dimensions of the first chart could give us insight.

We could see if our current tendencies are where we want to be or if we want to make shifts.

Your Turn

What do you think about the tension between ambition and passion?

Are you more ambitious, more passionate, or have you discovered your sweet spot?

How could you use these charts to intentionally make some personal development plans?