When we hear the word portfolio, our minds typically go to a creative portfolio. 

This is where a designer, copywriter, photographer, or other creative can highlight their work.

Why isn’t this practice present for knowledge workers in other disciplines?

Highlights of projects add dimension and depth to our resumes and LinkedIn profiles. 

Simple, 1–2-page case studies could be created documenting the role you played.

Over time, the story would grow.

New experiences and strengths would be highlighted.

My Story

Looking back at my own career, I wish I had been encouraged to create these case studies. 

I remember projects.

There are some examples of the work I kept.

Metrics have been in my resume over the years. 

Yet, there are no summaries.

These case studies could have been used at many points in my career to highlight my experience.

They would have highlighted my strengths and ability to take on various projects and roles.

The portfolio would also be a nice scrapbook of sorts.

To remember projects, the people I worked with, and the impact we made.

Your Turn

Do you have a project portfolio?

Can you think of ways this information might be used?

Would it be valuable to see the portfolio of individuals applying for a role on your team?