There are so many benefits of routines that help us keep positive habits.

Morning routines can ease us into our day.

A nighttime routine can do the same to ease into sleep.

We add healthy habits to routines like exercise, skin care, brushing our teeth, meditation, and more.

At the same time, our routines can get us into ruts.

Days pass without even remembering key events.

Our challenge is to keep our routines fresh over time and keep us engaged.

Add a new podcast or radio station. 

Change the route of your commute.

Mix in different types of exercise.

There are many ways routines can be shifted to keep them fresh.

My Story

Over the years, my routines tend to shift with the seasons. 

Weather getting warmer and days getting longer changes what I do and the times of day that work best.

As the seasonal times start to hit, I evaluate what is working and what I might want to change.  

Changes have been made like adding and removing meditation.

Shifting the time of day for exercise from early morning to late afternoon.

Mixed up the type of exercise – long walks outdoors and Peloton sessions indoors.

Your Turn

Are your routines in a rut that needs refreshing?

How have your routines changed over the years?

Do you make shifts with the seasons?