I recently heard about the Invisible Woman Syndrome.

This is when women over 50 feel that others no longer see them.

They are ignored in stores and restaurants.

Passed on the street as if they didn’t exist.

Articles have been written by HuffPost, Psychology Today, and many more.

There is discussion about how this doesn’t happen to men and what to do to overcome.

My Perspective

As I perused many articles, I was fascinated by a few things.

  1. The research that has led to the articles was done in 2016 – I couldn’t find anything done since. If this is such a prevalent perspective, why aren’t we doing more research on the topic?!
  2. Another finding in the study was that 65% of women felt “more confident” as they age.  Why is the focus just on invisibility and not bringing in the benefit of increased confidence?
  3. There was also a stat that 79% “don’t care what others think”.  If this is the case, I’m guessing they shouldn’t care if they are invisible.

I am a woman over 50.

I do not feel invisible – yet.

Will I?

The ways I feel visible are different than when I was 20…or 30…. or 40.

But visibility is still there.

This conversation makes me want to do research.

I want to dig into what is really happening.

Have women spent so much time giving to others that they have lost themselves and their visibility?

Is it really all about how we look, or do we lose the spark and passion that made us visible?

Are there ways that we can help women feeling this way to regain their feeling of visibility?

Your Turn

Are you a woman over 50?

Do you feel invisible?  Why or why not?

What do you think are the primary drivers?