Inspiration is a muse that can strike at any moment.

We feel invigorated, motivated, and ready to take on the world.

We have a burst of creativity to create art, solve complex problems, or make life-changing decisions.

Understanding where and when we’re most likely to have inspiration allows us to intentionally create an environment for inspiration.

When Does Inspiration Show Up?

We’ve heard that some are night owls and others are morning larks.

With unique chronotypes, inspiration may arrive at different times for us as well.

In the shower, on our drive home, during an evening run, or late at night.

Understanding the best time of day for each of us enables us to embrace the times the ideas flow.

Where Can We Find Inspiration?

Like the times of day, what inspires us is also unique.

Below are just a few places inspiration may show up:

  • Nature: The great outdoors has an ability to engage our senses and clear our mind.
  • Solitude: When we are alone with our thoughts our mind can wander and find clarity.
  • Morning Routine: The calm, quiet, and still moments of our morning while our mind is fresh.
  • Transit: While commuting, taking a drive, or on a run, the motion stimulates our mind.
  • Artistic Spaces: At art galleries, museums, and theaters surrounded by creativity.
  • Mindfulness Practice: Meditation & deep breathing provide a receptive state of mind.
  • Challenging Situations: When faced with constraints, we may find more creative solutions.
  • Conversations: The company of others can provide the spark of ideas and inspiration.
  • Role Models: Inspirational figures can provide ideas or concepts that create a spark.
  • Comfort Zone: Sometimes our most familiar spaces provide the safety for new viewpoints.
  • Random Places: Inspiration isn’t on a schedule and can strike in unexpected places.

Inspiration is a dynamic force and we each have our own journey with where and when we find it.

Your Turn

What times of day does inspiration most frequently show up for you?

Are there specific locations that spark your creativity more than others?

Can you trigger inspiration with this understanding of where and when?