We have all likely heard of the Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule.

This rule states that for many situations roughly 80% of the consequences come from 20% of the causes.

My Perspective

Thinking about this through the lens of our work, I believe there are at least two ways we could apply this principle every day.

Our Role – We might consider if 20% of our responsibilities represent 80% of our work time.  We could be spending most of our days doing just a few of our tasks.  This causes me to think about how we are getting the other 80% of the work done.

Productivity – Another possibility to consider is our productivity.  Here we could consider if 20% of our activities drive 80% of our results.  Those activities could be deep work, networking, attending meetings, or something else.  I imagine the answer to that question would be different for everyone.

When considering either of these examples or others you might think of, we should ask questions not just about the 20%, but also about the 80%. 

Understanding the things we are spending a lot of time on or responsibilities that aren’t getting enough attention could be just as important as the items in the 20%.

Your Turn

Do 20% of your responsibilities represent 80% of your work?  What are the 20% of tasks?

How and when are the other 80% of your responsibilities being completed?

Which 20% of your activities drive 80% of your results?

Does this change from day to day or week to week?