We’ve all heard of FOMO or the fear of missing out.

Recently, I heard “FOBO” and wondered “what’s that?!”.

The description was that FOBO is the Fear Of a Better Option.

This is when we avoid deciding or doing something.

We are afraid if we commit a different, better option will present itself.

The risk is that the original option can disappear, and something better never surfaces.

My Story

For me, this crops up most often when I’m evaluating ideas.

I struggle to select which ones to pursue. 

New ideas will always surface, and I don’t want to miss something.

This can hit us in all parts of our lives.

Booking flights for travel.

Committing to weekend plans.

Selecting a contractor to do work on our homes.

Finalizing direction of a project at work.

Declaring a presentation complete.

Often, the mental weight of the commitments would be far less if FOBO wasn’t an issue!

Your Turn

Have you ever experienced FOBO?

Where does this emerge in your life?

Do you see others in your life struggling with FOBO?