As we think about the first quarter of 2023, it’s a great opportunity to reflect and consider what you want to shift for the remainder of the year. 

Often, when reflecting we consider two categories – work and home. 

What went well? 

What could have gone better?

Then, there is the infamous question:

Did I have enough balance?

This implies that there is a perfect distribution of work and life in equation.

Different Perspective – Balance is Fluid, Not Static

At the end of last year, I participated in The Creatives Workshop from Akimbo.  In one of the threads, a community member had a great perspective on balance that is worth sharing.

“Balance can never be static. It shifts, moves, and flows with every touching mote of dust. Static balance is frozen in time and space – and no one wants to live at zero Kelvin (the spot with the lowest possible energy or thermal motion).”

Mark Sippel

I was struck by this.  We strive for “balance”, but do we really want to live in a static state?

I don’t think so.  Life is fluid, messy sometimes, and full of energy. 

With this perspective on balance, I wonder how we harness energy and unleash it to the parts of our lives that need the most energy at any given time.

This made me think of an interview I saw recently with Trevor Noah. 

He said, “Work-life balance is actually life-life balance. If you want to make more time for something, than create more time.”

Another example of balance being fluid. 

Move from one area of energy to another at the right time.

Your Turn – Shift Your Perspective on Balance

Do you think about work-life balance or are you more focused on life-life?

Instead of considering the “right” formula as static what happens when you consider it to be dynamic?

Maybe some days of the week focus in one way, while other days have different energy.

See what happens when you start to consider balance to be fluid, not frozen.