We talk about habits all the time.

Creating a habit.

Breaking a habit.

Re-evaluating a habit.

Yet do we really know what a habit is?

The dictionary defines a habit as:

A settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.

At its core, a habit is a repetitive behavior that has become ingrained in our daily routines.

Once they are created, they occur with minimal conscious effort.

Habits can be both positive and negative.

Often, it’s difficult to start good habits and difficult to stop the bad ones.

My Perspective

Habits are the building blocks of our lives.

They create the foundation on which we build our days.

They change and morph as our lives change.

We can group habits together to create routines or let them stand on their own.

They are a powerful tool for personal growth.

They can also be a stumbling block that holds us back.

The best place to start is to think about the habits we have.

From there, we can evaluate what we want to add, remove, or change.

If used to our advantage, habits can help us lead a more intentional life.

Your Turn

Thinking about your days, what are your habits?

Which habits do you want to make sure you keep?

Which habits would you like to change or remove?