In a previous post, we discussed how clutter can be found in all 8 dimensions of wellbeing – physical, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual, financial, occupational, and intellectual.

We have also reviewed how clutter can cause anxiety and put us into a clutter-anxiety cycle.

What we haven’t discussed are the other feelings that can stem from clutter.

On a Clutterbug podcast episode, Cas Aarssen discussed five elements of a clutter spiral:

Anxiety, frustration, anger, resentment, and shame.

She reinforced that clutter is more emotional than it is physical.

The podcast was talking about environmental clutter in our homes.

However, this could just as easily apply to the to the other 8 dimensions of wellbeing.

My Perspective

I think identifying how clutter in the different dimensions of our wellbeing makes us feel is very important. 

Without an understanding of the feelings, the solutions are difficult to discover.

Knowing ourselves better enables us to design solutions that reflect how we want to feel.

If we recognize we are in a clutter spiral in any area of our life we take action.

We can acknowledge the feeling, intentionally set a vision for a new feeling, and begin to take steps to get there.

Sometimes we forget we have agency in our lives.

We don’t have to take the same path as everyone else.

We don’t have to stay stuck in feelings we don’t want to feel.

Redefine the spiral.

Recognize. Acknowledge. Set Vision. Plan. Act.

Your Turn

Do you ever find yourself stuck in the clutter spiral?

Which dimensions of wellbeing do you feel clutter spirals most frequently?

How could you redefine how you want to feel and change the downward spiral to an upward?