2024 is officially here.

The holiday season is so busy for many that goals for the year aren’t a focus.

As we start the year, I encourage you to consider the 8 dimensions of wellbeing.

Physical. Occupational. Financial. Social. Intellectual. Environmental. Emotional. Spiritual.


For each area, consider a few questions:

Is this dimension where you want it to be?

Is it sustainable?

What would you like to accomplish by the end of the year?

Quick Planning

Without diving in too deep, consider these questions for each dimension:

What role do habits play in achieving the goal?

What role do others play in your ability to meet (or miss) your goals?

What could you start in January to take the first step?

How will you hold yourself accountable?

My Perspective

You don’t need goals in all 8 dimensions of wellbeing.

Selecting one category that isn’t sustainable is better than choosing many and making no progress.

Often, I think people make goals that are so lofty that they give up quickly.

Start small and simple.

Day by Day.

Step by Step.

Progress will occur.

Your Turn

Is there one area of wellbeing that needs your attention this year?

What habit could you start today to begin down the path?

What barriers might get in your way?