Welcome to the Saturday Summary.

What I’ve Posted – Blog Summary 

This week there is a focus in the middle of the week on our confidence and how to promote and pitch ourselves (difficult for many of us!). The book ends of the week cover our financial wellbeing and a fun approach to organizing.

Financial Wellbeing – Notes to My Younger Self. The first post of the week summarizes things I wish I had known about my financial wellbeing earlier. I hope the post helps those in their 30s and 40s.

Promoting Ourselves. This is a difficult task for many of us. This post suggests how we can reframe the task to shift the challenge to an opportunity.

Confidence Sweet Spot. There is a perfect middle ground between feeling invisible and feeling invincible where our confidence should sit. This post explores that delicate balance.

Pitching Ourselves. Related to promoting ourselves, pitching what we have to offer can be challenging. This post provides a structure for designing your 1-minute pitch.

CliftonStrengths for Closet Organization. We end the week with a fun (yet useful) post on how we can leverage our CliftonStrengths to organize a closet…or anything else.

What I’ve Listened To – PodList  

This week, the podcasts are a bit selfish. Focus on yourself and your personal brand to make a positive impact on your career, your relationships and your projects.

Why It’s Time to Start Being Selfish. 11 minutes. Optimal Relationships Daily. We were all taught not to be selfish. However, this episode suggests that prioritizing our personal wellbeing leads to deeper relationships, meaningful work, and a more fulfilled life. Fill your own cup first.

Schedule Yourself First. 6 Minutes. People who are smart with their time put time for themselves on their calendar first. From sleep to personal goals and priorities, be selfish with your schedule. Pay yourself first, just like you would with financial wellbeing.

Maintaining a Strong Brand. 10 minutes. Optimal Work Daily. This episode highlights strategies for creating a strong brand. While it focuses on products and services, the same concepts apply to building your personal brand.

Authentic Personal Branding: How to Stand Out on LinkedIn. 34 Minutes. Modern Mentor. In this podcast, Danielle Hughes talks about how to create an authentic personal brand. There are tips on showcasing your personality, making connections, and expanding your career.

What I’ve Been Up To

This week, blog writing was tough. Often, the ideas just flow each week. The last five days or so, I’ve had to go in search of inspiration which was not fun. I hope I’m back to the easy flow of ideas! The other focus area of the week was getting organized for some upcoming project work. There are a few that I’m excited to dive into over the next few weeks.

Outside of work, this week was focused on helping my parents with some projects and some organizing projects. I also finished reading the fiction book Glamourous Notions. The book was good. I wouldn’t call it a must read, but it is a solid choice for those who like a little mystery, a little glamour, and identity change.

What Do You Think?

Which podcasts and blog posts resonate with you this week?

What one idea do you take away for the week ahead?

Is there an action you can take to continue your journey to becoming a MeEO?