Welcome to the Saturday Summary.

What I’ve Posted – Blog Summary 

I really like the set of posts this week. The first two have us thinking about our personal brand and how we show up online. The second two encourage us to keep our work and personal life separate. The final post circles back to our personal brand and encourages us to celebrate our uniqueness.

What Is a Brand? This first post of the week covers what brands really are…. a feeling. How can we understand the feeling that our personal brands create?

LinkedIn Posting for Personal Branding. This post provides tips and ideas on how to use LinkedIn to nurture your personal brand. We each need to find the formula and style that works best for us.

Personal Information is Personal, Not Work. Our lives are busy. Managing “life” on our work computer reduces complexity, yet this is not advised. This post suggests why we need to separate.

A MeEO Computer. Building on the post above, this post provides ideas of how to set up your personal computer. This computer becomes MeEO central – managing your career and life.

Write a Love Letter to Yourself. In honor of Valentine’s Day, the final post of the week suggests that you focus a little of your love on yourself. Honor and celebrate your unique and awesome qualities.

What I’ve Listened To – PodList  

This week, I only had two podcasts flagged to include. So, I’ve decided this is a good time to compliment those with a list of 5 podcasts I like to listen to just for fun and often don’t include in the weekly list. I hope you find something that might be fun for you as well.

Generating Retirement Income Before 59 ½. – Part 1. 12 minutes. Part 2. 11 minutes. Optimal Finance Daily. The title speaks for itself. For those in their 50’s wanting to retire before 59 ½ or those who are younger and planning for the future, this is a great 2-part episode to consider.

Success is 20% Head Knowledge and 80% Behavior. 4 minutes. Self-Improvement Daily. This episode is a quick reminder of how important our day-to-day behaviors are in our success.

Five Podcasts to Consider Just for Fun

  1. Happier and Happier in Hollywood. The first is hosted by Gretchen Rubin and her sister Liz Craft. The second is hosted by Liz and her writing partner Sarah Fain.
  2. What Should I Read Next? Hosted by Anne Bogel, this is a great podcast for those who love to read fiction. She asks people about 3 books they love and 1 book they dislike and then provides 3 ideas for books to read next. I walk away with up to 10 book ideas for my TBR list.
  3. Astrotwins Radio. If you have an interest in astrology, this weekly podcast provides highlights of what the stars suggest are in store for the week ahead.
  4. Keith Morrison. While I’m not suggesting a specific podcast, his voice and approach draws me into a genre that I don’t typically like – murder & mystery. I LOVED the series The Girl in the Blue Mustang and I have a new series Murder in the Moonlight on my listen list.
  5. The Goop Podcast. This is Gweneth Paltrow’s podcast. Targeted primarily for women, I have really enjoyed some of the topics they have brought forward.

What I’ve Been Up To

This week, I continued to explore my personal brand and develop some ideas on how we can use AI prompts to help us dig in and understand our unique value. I’m thinking of pulling together the work I’ve been doing and creating a little workshop to teach others how to use AI in a bit of a different way to help plan and organize our lives.

Outside of work, I finished reading the book Day Trading Attention by Gary Vaynerchuk. For anyone focused on content creation and building an audience online, I think it’s a great book to pick up. I went with the hard copy because there were a lot of great images and QR code examples throughout and I felt that it would be easier to engage with in the print format. Aside from the book, I started watching Later Dater and watched the movie Little – both on Netflix.

What Do You Think?

Which podcasts and blog posts resonate with you this week?

What one idea do you take away for the week ahead?

Is there an action you can take to continue your journey to becoming a MeEO?