Welcome to the Saturday Summary.

Before we dive into the weekly content, I’m excited to announce three specialized coaching programs I’m launching today!

I’ve been working on these throughout 2024, and they are finally ready for the world. As a thank you for being part of my community, I’m offering these to my blog followers at a 50% discount. 

Here is an overview of the programs.

New Coaching Programs

Personal Branding – Are you looking to become a thought leader in your industry or become better known for your personal strengths within your company? If so, the personal branding program is the one for you. 5 weeks of 1on1 coaching, and a workbook full of activities designed to set you on the path to strengthen your personal brand in the year ahead.

What’s Next? – Are you starting to feel restless in your current role, considering retirement, or wanting to start a side hustle? If so, the “what’s next” program is the right fit. 5 weeks of 1on1 coaching and a workbook full of activities designed to help you discover what is possible and create a plan to get there.

Career Insurance – Are you nervous about the stability of your current role or just feeling unsettled with all the news of layoffs and corporate instability? If so, the “career insurance” program will help you get some peace of mind. 5 weeks of 1on1 coaching and a workbook full of activities designed to help you tackle some things that will prepare you no matter what the future holds.

If any of the programs are of interest, please sign up here for a free 30-minute conversation to see if there is a fit or if I have other ideas for your next steps.

Blog Summary 

This week is full of new year energy and taking the reigns to become the MeEO of your career and life.

Let 2025 be the year you move from defense to offense.

5 Steps for Vision and Goals for 2025. This title says it all. For those looking to set a vision and set goals for the year ahead this first post of the week walks you through a process.

Breaking Down Goals. This post covers how we could consider our annual personal goals in the same way we approach a strategic business plan.

10 Steps to Kick Off Your Path to MeEO. Last year introduced the concept of becoming a MeEO in charge of your career and life. This post gives you 10 tips to get the process going.

The SAVVY Path to MeEO. Building on the posts to help you take charge of your life. This post focuses on the SAVVY path – Strengths, Approach, Values, Vision, and Yearning.

Personal Mission Statements. Building on the SAVVY path, this post provides a process to create our individual mission statement that can be a north star for the life we want to lead.

Curated PodList  

This week, the theme of the podcasts selected center around kicking off 2025. Topics include mindset shifts, career vision, process, habits, and setting you up for success in meeting your goals.

7-Minutes to Start 2025 Right. 7 minutes. The Mel Robbins Podcast. If you only have 7 minutes this week, listen to this one. Mel highlights the premise of her new book The Let Them Theory. In 7 short minutes she gives you the key to taking control of your emotions and actions in the year ahead.

Manifest Your Dream Job: The 2025 Vision Exercise. 25 minutes. Hello Monday. This podcast offers us a new exercise to set a vision for the job we want to have. For those looking for a transition, this could be a useful listen.

6-Step Blueprint to Achieve All Your Goals for 2025. 28 minutes. On Purpose with Jay Shetty. This episode is packed with ideas that can turn your goals for the year ahead into a reality.

The 1-minute Secret to Forming a New Habit. 12 minutes. TED Talks Daily. This one is a great listen. She highlights how starting new habits are difficult because we aren’t good at it. The 1-minute idea helps us get past that barrier and start doing the thing we want to do.

Discipline Without Burnout. 4 minutes. Self-Improvement Daily. This episode highlights how we can use our environment to support discipline to meet goals.

How to Reclaim Your Life from Work. 10 minutes. TED Talks Daily. I think the title of this one says it all. If you are struggling to detach from work, take a listen.

Maybe It’s Just Your Job. 7 minutes. Before Breakfast. This episode is perfect for those who might be thinking they need to quit their job or do something entirely different.

What I’ve Been Up To

This week, I’ve been refining workbooks and activities to launch the three new MeEO programs for the year. These three programs join those already in place – Accountability coaching, annual planning, personal goal mapping, and job loss transition. To learn more about any of the programs or if coaching is right for you, please schedule a meeting to catch up here.

Outside of work, I’ve been doing my personal end of year reflection and planning for the year ahead. That has been insightful and is setting me up to go into 2025 with hopes, dreams, and tactical plans to get there. There has also been time spent “clearing & organizing”. From my closet to my email box and everything in between, I’ve been clearing out what is no longer serving me and organizing what’s left to start the year in offense mode.

What Do You Think?

Have you set goals and intentions for 2025?

Which podcasts and blog posts resonate with you this week?

What one idea do you take away for the week ahead?