Welcome to the Saturday PodList. This is the weekly post where I summarize several podcasts that inspired me throughout the week and give a quick recap of what was covered on the blog. Enjoy!


This week, four podcasts make the list. The first three are short (8 minutes or less) and the fourth is a bit longer (27 minutes). There isn’t a theme, just four solid listens to consider along your personal development journey.

You are Always Living Your Values – 8 minutes. Optimal Living Daily.  This podcast discusses the differences between values and ideals.  Your values are how we consistently show up and your ideals represent the ways we want to show up.

Put a Price Tag on It – 7 minutes. Before Breakfast with Laura Vanderkam. This episode challenges you to think about the things you want to change and evaluating how much change will “cost” in either time or money.  This helps put some objectivity around what the shift will take.

Doing Nothing is Therapeutic – 7 minutes. The Habit Coach with Ashdin Doctor. This podcast reviews the Dutch relaxation technique of Niksen.  In this technique, you sit and observe your surroundings.  You aren’t meditating or doing another practice.  You just sit and observe without engaging.

When AI Comes to Work: How to Evolve, Thrive, and Keep Your Job – 27 minutes. As We Work from The Wall Street Journal.  With all the conversation on ChatGPT and AI, this seemed to be a good add to the list this week.  I like how this episode is focused using AI to help at work, not replace workers.

Blog Post Recap

Below is a summary of the blog posts this week with links to dig in and learn more.

Career Bucket List – This week started with National Bucket List Day.  Instead of the traditional life bucket list, this post challenged you to think about what would go on your career bucket list.

Begin with Self-Awareness – We all have goals we want to achieve.  This post provided an overview of three areas to gain insight as you pursue these goals.

Do You Have Time & Space – When working towards a new goal, we know we need to find the time to devote to achieving.  One aspect we don’t often consider is that space is just as important as time.

Understanding Your Strengths – The post on Thursday provided and introduction to the CliftonStrengths assessment and how it can add value on the journey to achieving your goals.

Understanding Your Motivation – The final post of the week is all about motivation.  Three assessments to help you understand your personal motivation are reviewed – Sparked, Motivation Code, and One Green Thing.