Welcome to the Saturday PodList. This is the weekly post where I summarize several podcasts that inspired me throughout the week and give a quick recap of what was covered on the blog. Enjoy!


This week has six podcasts on the list – 3 short (<10 min.), 1 medium (20 min), and 2 long (30+ min.)

Daniel Pink on Perfecting our Timing – 30 minutes. Hello Monday with Jessi Hempel.  This is a replay of a great episode from 2019 where Daniel talks to Jessi about his book When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.

Sci-fi Writer Andy Weir Doesn’t Love Writing – 45 minutes.  Work Life with Adam Grant.  This interview between Andy and Adam was interesting for different reasons. One quote from Andy that really resonated was, “You don’t want to do the work, you want the result of the work”.  I thought that concept applies to many things in life.

This is Quick with Ginni Rometty – 4 minutes. This is Working with Daniel Roth.  This was an information packed four minutes with lots of great thoughts.  Just one quote from Ginni that struck me was, “Growth and comfort can never co-exist”.

Increase Your Luck Surface Area – 8 minutes. The Next Big Idea Daily. The general concept of the podcast is that you have to plant a lot of seeds or take a lot of swings to increase the surface area opportunity for success at whatever you are doing.

4 Ways to Make Hybrid Work Better for Everyone – 6 Minutes. TED Talks Daily.  For everyone continuing to figure out hybrid work, this is a good episode.  There is discussion about shared time and space and leaving room for serendipity.

Do What Ignites Your Soul – 20 minutes. Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert. This is an episode from back in 2016 full of lessons around fear and creating space to do what the universe wants you to do.

Blog Post Recap

Below is a summary of the blog posts this week with links to dig in and learn more.

Encourage Writing – Monday was National Encourage a Young Writer Day.  This post provides ideas for encouraging writing for both youths and adults.

What is Balance? – This post explores the idea of work-life balance and some alternatives to consider.

Are Barnacles Holding You Back? – On Wednesday we explored how the concept of scraping barnacles from a boat could be applied to our lives and careers.

Where and When to Do What Work – We continue to test and learn when it comes to hybrid work.  This post explores a framework to help conversations with leaders and teams.

Take a Break and Look Up – Yesterday was National Look Up at the Sky Day.  We celebrated with thoughts about taking a break and looking up to enjoy the view.