Inspiration often conjures up images of creative geniuses, artists, and visionaries.

This can make it feel like a rare and elusive force that strikes like lightning.

What if we, normal, everyday people, could harness and nurture inspiration?

Today, we’ll delve into the meaning of inspiration.

The Definition of Inspiration

The dictionary provides us several definitions:

  • The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially something creative.
  • A sudden, brilliant, creative, or timely idea.
  • The drawing in of breath; inhalation.

At its core, inspiration is the driving force behind creativity, motivation, and personal growth.

Inspiration is not confined to any specific domain.

We see inspiration manifest in art, science, business, and even our day-to-day lives.

My Perspective

I believe inspiration is always around us.

Inspiration can transform an ordinary idea into an extraordinary one.

Drive intense excitement & enthusiasm motivating us to act on our dreams.

Provide the power to break through barriers.

Encourage us to challenge the status quo.

I find the definition of “drawing in a breath” to be an interesting connection to creativity.

We breathe in ideas from the world around us.

Sometimes we are tuned in to see them.

Other times we are distracted and don’t notice.

By understanding the essence of inspiration, we can tap into its source.

We can embrace inspiration, and let it be our guiding light in the pursuit of a more fulfilling life.

Your Turn

How do you define inspiration?

What do you think of the idea that inspiration is saved for “creative geniuses, artists, and visionaries”?

Do you see the connection between the breath analogy and the ideas?