We focus a lot on maximizing our time and money. While both are important, I’ve also started thinking a lot more about maximizing energy.

Knowing how your energy changes through the day can allow you to experiment with the types of activities you schedule to align with the energy levels.

There are two elements of self-awareness that get to the heart of energy management – source of energy and energy curves.

Source of Energy – Introvert vs. Extrovert

We hear this pair all the time and many make incorrect assumptions about what the labels mean.  This pair provides insight about energy, not about being social. 

Extroverts are energized by social interactions and become drained if they spend too much time alone.  Introverts, on the other hand, become drained after long periods of time spent with others and gain energy when spending time alone.

Energy Curves – Morning Larks and Night Owls

In addition to our source of energy, we each have our own energy curves through the day.  Some are Morning Larks who are at their cognitive best in the early morning right after they wake up.  In contrast,  night owls tend to be at their best in the evening. 

RUDN University has identified six different chronotypes shown in the chart below.  Like source of energy, there isn’t a “right” chronotype.  Knowing your unique pattern can help you define when to do different types of work and activities.

My Story

I am an introvert who draws energy from quiet time alone.  If I spend too many hours in a row in meetings, I know I need a break (even a short one) or I won’t be showing up at my best.

My energy curve is the morning lark.  Most days (including weekends), I’m up between 5:30-6:00 am and ready to hit the ground running.  Knowing this about myself, like to plan deeper, thinking work first thing in the morning. 

Your Turn

Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Which energy curve fits your daily energy best?

Does understanding your energy pattern make you think differently about how you might schedule your day?

With asynchronous work becoming more and more prevalent, the time of day when you personally have the most energy can be focused on producing your best work.