I listened to one of Jay Shetty’s recent On Purpose podcasts titled “The Only 7 Step Goal Setting Method You Need to Become Who You Want to be in 2024”.

Long title. Great Content.

One of his frameworks really connected with me.

He said that each year might call for different approaches.

Years might be more of one of these types:

  • Learning – A year of curiosity, books, classes, and practicing.
  • Experimenting – A year where we are building, trying new things, and seeing what sticks.
  • Performing – A year “in the groove” where we are committed and doing the thing.
  • Thriving – A year when everything is in place, and we need humility and a lack of complacency.

These are my notes and interpretations so I would recommend listening to the episode to hear his rich descriptions of what is happening at each stage.

Some years may cycle through more than one of the types.

Knowing which type you are in can be helpful for setting goals and your mindset.

My Perspective

As I look back over the last 5-10 years, I see that my word of the year has been tied to these types.

Mindful was a learning year.

Create was an experimenting year.

Emerge was a performing year.

Joyful was a thriving year.

I wonder how easy or difficult it is to look at the year ahead and determine the type.

I also believe each of the 8 dimensions of wellbeing could be in different stages.

For example, your social wellbeing could be thriving, and your physical wellbeing is learning.

Your Turn

Which type of year did you have last year?

When you think about your year ahead, which stage do you think you will be in?

Do you see the type being different for the 8 areas of wellbeing?

NOTE: 8 areas of wellbeing – Occupational, Intellectual, Physical, Environmental, Social, Emotional, Spiritual, and Financial.