We all know the concept of IQ (Intelligence Quotient).
In the last 15 years, more has been published on the importance of EQ (Emotional Quotient).
I was doing a bit of research and came across the work of Howard Gardner.
In the early 1980’s, he identified 9 different types of intelligence.
They include the following:
- Logical-Mathematical: Quantifying things, making/proving hypothesis.
- Linguistic: Finding the right words to express what we mean.
- Spatial: Visualizing the world in 3D.
- Intra-Personal: Understanding ourselves and what we think/feel/want.
- Interpersonal: Understanding the feelings & motives of others.
- Bodily-Kinesthetic: Coordinating your mind and body.
- Naturalist: Understanding living things and reading nature.
- Musical: Discerning sounds, their pitch, tone, and rhythm.
- Existential: Tackling the questions of why we live and die.
EQ is often summarized as a combination of intra-personal and interpersonal intelligence.
There are other frameworks for intelligence that I encountered in my research including AQ (Adversity Quotient), CQ (Creativity Quotient), and SQ (Spiritual Quotient).
My Perspective
I like this broader look at intelligence.
We can recognize our strengths and opportunities for growth in multiple areas.
While we won’t excel in all the dimensions, we can look at where are and determine where to lean in.
Your Turn
What do you think of this broader look at intelligence?
Looking at the list of 9, which 3 are your strongest?
Which of the 9 do you connect the least with?