We live in a world where there is content everywhere we turn.

With all the information, we can be faced with too much of a good thing.

The result – Information Overwhelm.

Inspiration can be a double-edged sword.

It propels us to reach for the stars.

It can also lead to burnout and exhaustion when taken to extremes.

My Perspective

I believe self-awareness and personal strategies keep information overwhelm at bay.

The first step is to when inspiration is becoming stressful instead of motivating.

That might mean fewer trips to an inspirational location.

Or, not capturing the ideas as the flow through our minds.

Or be more discerning about the sources of inspiration and the alignment with our goals.

We can also have a location to sort and “park” our ideas to be used at a future point in time.

Allowing the ideas to continue, but choosing not to act on them right now can be very effective.

Inspiration can be a powerful force moving us forward, but we need to recognize the limitations.

Understanding our personal limits will create a strategy for sustainable inspiration.

Your Turn

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by inspiration?

How do you sort through what is acted upon and what is set aside?

Do you have a process for saving inspirational ideas for a later point in time?