The idea of nesting during pregnancy has been frequently discussed and researched. 

This is the time when expectant moms clean, organize, plan, and stock up.    

They are preparing the home for what is ahead.

We’ve also heard about empty nesting when children move out of the house. 

There was an article that also referred to this time as “un-nesting”.

This got me thinking about the concept of moments in our home and work lives that might cause us to reevaluate the spaces around us – our “nest”.

My Perspective

As I considered moments in life, this is the list of milestones I’ve come up with so far:

  • Going to College
  • Moving into first apartment or home
  • Moving in with a partner
  • Having a child
  • Moving to a new home
  • Children going to college
  • Children moving out
  • Retirement
  • Divorce
  • Death of a partner
  • Parents moving in

Some moments could be considered “nesting” and others “un-nesting”. 

Either way, these are moments where stepping back, planning, cleaning, and organizing could be just what is needed to move forward.

At work, the moments might be first job, moving to new department, promotion, moving to a new company, starting a side hustle, volunteering, or retirement. 

These moments are more of a mental clearing than physical, but both could be present.

I’m going to give some thoughts to steps we might take as we go through all these transitions. 

Future posts will provide some tips and advice.

Your Turn

Have there been moments in your work and home life where you have felt the nesting instinct?

Are there moments that I haven’t captured here?

Do you have an approach when these milestones creep up?