Business strategy is a process.

Plans are written each month, quarter, and year.

Vision is set for 5-25 years in the future.

Mission and values are defined.

Action plans are created.

Companies dedicate time and resources to create a solid foundation to guide the business.

Many have individuals, teams, and even departments dedicated to this strategic work.

Yet, when it comes to our lives, we don’t consider creating a life strategy.

My Perspective

I believe we have an opportunity to focus on strategic life plans.

This could be a simple as ½ day at the beginning of the year and hour each month to check in.

We could leverage tools used by business:

Define the mission and values that guide our life.

Create a vision for what life might look like 5-25 years from now. Or, even the end of this year.

Develop a SWOT analysis looking at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Explore different paths to achieve the vision and break it down.

Set goals for the year.

Identify action steps for the first quarter.

Break those down into actions for the month.

Planning doesn’t need to take a lot of time.

The purpose is to be intentional about our actions and move us toward the vision.

Day by day.

Step by step.

Your Turn

Have you created a strategic life plan?

Do you think a plan could help keep you on track to meet your goals?

What is one action you could take today to start to create a strategic life plan?