As I prepared my coffee this morning, I smiled at the statement inside the cup – “You Grow Girl”.  

I thought about it and realized that every morning that this mug is in rotation, I smile.  The day starts off right.  There are two additional mugs in the cupboard with positive messages like this: “positive energy” and “follow your heart”. They have a similar effect on my day. 

These simple little messages start my day on the right foot.

Starting the day with a positive attitude and a smile can make all the difference.  The pressure of daily life sometimes makes it hard to muster that positive energy – especially in the morning when some are feeling groggy or unmotivated.

My Perspective

Consider starting your day with a personal pep talk.  This is a conversation with yourself that focuses on motivating and inspiring you to tackle the day ahead.  These pep talks can be a powerful tool for setting the tone for your day and helping you achieve your goals.

If positive messages on mugs aren’t your thing.  Below are some ideas for other ways to start your day with a positive message or motivation.

  • Set a Positive Intention – This one is all in your mind.  Before you even get out of bed, take a moment to set a positive intention.  This could be as simple as “Today is going to be a great day” or “I’m going to be positive and productive today”.
  • Repeat an Affirmation – While like positive intentions, affirmations reflect your goals, values, or aspirations.  Examples of these include “I am capable of achieving my goals” or “I trust myself to make the right decisions”.
  • Pick a Word of the Day – What word would inspire you throughout your day?  Have a big presentation?  Try “Confident”.  Have a tough conversation that needs to happen. Try “Empathy”.  Need to make progress on a project? Try “Focus”.
  • Leverage a Daily Inspiration Book – I prefer these over the daily tear-off calendars because they aren’t disposable and can be used in future years or gifted to a friend after use.  My favorite collection is the National Geographic Series that has a quote each day paired with a beautiful photograph.  The titles include “Daily Joy”, “Daily Kindness”, and “Daily Peace” to name a few.

Your Turn

Do you start your day with a pep talk?

Have you used any of these ideas?

Which resonates most with you?

Give it a try and see how it works for you!