We often glorify busyness and productivity.

In this state, the words of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates ring truer than ever:

“The barrenness of a busy life.”

– Socrates

These five simple words provide a profound truth.

If we are too busy, we don’t participate in our lives.

The world passes us by.

Our life feels empty.

My Perspective

I believe this simple quote can give us a lot to consider.

We can start to evaluate what is making us busy and determine what is making us so busy.

We can question the toll our business is taking on our health and wellbeing.

We can design our days with more intention to focus on activities that align with our goals.

Over time, the questions and intention will lead to more meaning – less barrenness.

Rather than being trapped by our schedules, we should become architects of our lives.

Designing each day to include activities that bring us joy, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment.

Your Turn

Thinking about your last week, does it feel busy & barren or were there meaningful moments?

What one step could you take to make one day next week less busy?

Can you now take that day and work on making it more intentional & meaningful?