Word pairs are such a great way to learn more about how we approach the world.

They can also help us realize how others may approach the same thing differently.

The segmenter vs. integrator pair considers both time and space. 

SEGMENTOR:  A segmentor wants to create separation and divide information, time, and space into distinct categories.  These individuals look to tailor experiences and are less likely to multitask.

A segmentor might strive to keep work hours and locations separate from home life.  They could have rules like food can’t be taken outside the kitchen.  Each room of the house likely has a purpose. 

INTEGRATOR: An integrator focuses on blurring the lines and creating connections between information, time and space.  These individuals look for ways to unify disparate things and pair tasks together.

An integrator might work in several different locations throughout the day and is more likely to do work outside of “work hours”.  Their homes may be fluid with rooms having multiple purposes.

My Story

I am more of an integrator with space and information. 

Work happens in different locations and doesn’t have formal boundaries. 

There are different spots around the house where I enjoy doing things like reading and eating.

The area I struggled to pinpoint with this exercise was time. 

There are formalities I like around time that feel a bit more like a segmentor than an integrator.

Your Turn

Do you find your tendency to be more of a segmentor or an integrator?

In what areas of your life is this tendency most prevalent?

When you think about others in your life, are they a segmentor or an integrator?