What I’ve Been Up To

This past week, I’ve been working on a few content projects that will be coming out on the blog and in workshops soon. One project is digging into personal branding and creating exercises we can do to better articulate our personal brand, and in turn, let our unique light shine.

Speaking of letting light shine, we had a spectacular view of the Northern Lights on Thursday night here in southeast Michigan. Below is one of the photos I captured. This reminds me that we should all spend time in nature and celebrate the wonder of the world more often.

“Lives are busy, don’t forget to live.”

– Lori Sullivan

What I’ve Written – Blog Summary

This week I paired some of my favorite writings together. Depending on where you are right now, there are great tips for end of year work summaries, freelance rates, lifestyle planning, and overcoming procrastination.

MeEO – Managing Career History. The first post of the week is tied to end of year activities. When we become a MeEO of our career, we prioritize documenting the work and celebrating successes.

Freelance and Solopreneur Rates. If you have ever worked on your own providing services to companies, you have struggled with your rate. This post provides tips, frameworks, and examples.

Overcoming Weakness. I tend to focus on strengths over weaknesses. However, we do need to recognize areas that we need to overcome. This post talks about observing and overcoming.

Lifestyle Planning. I highly recommend this one. It’s based on Cal Newport’s concept of lifestyle planning and is relevant for every one of us as we consider what we want out of life.

Are You Procrastinating? The final post of the week explores the five types of procrastination and what we can do to combat against each type. We all procrastinate…. This post helps us overcome.

What I’ve Listened To – PodList

There are 4 episodes from my listening this week that stood out and I thought might be of interest. The four have a wide range of topics. I hope at least one is a fit for you!

You Can Win This Year in October. 5 minutes. Before Breakfast. What you do this month will shape the year in your mind and in the mind of others.

5 Reasons Your Change Efforts are Failing. 9 minutes. Modern Mentor. Change is no longer a moment in time – it’s happing all the time, all around us. This episode covers 5 reasons companies are failing to change and how to lead teams through it more successfully.

You’re Probably Underusing Your Content. Here’s What to Do Instead. 9 minutes. Optimal Work Daily. For anyone creating content, I highly recommend listening to this one. Great ideas on reusing and repackaging what you’ve already done.

An Unexpected Way to Spark Creativity, Gamifying Clutter- Clearing & Why Quirks Matter. 34 minutes. Happier with Gretchen Rubin. In the beginning segment of this episode, Gretchen & Liz discuss how creativity can flow with demand. This covers all types of ideas and creative. I highly recommend a listen.  And the rest of the episode is great too.

What I’ve Discovered

This past week, I had the opportunity to listen to a MIT webinar providing an overview of the newly-released book – The Demand Revolution: How consumers are redefining sustainability and transforming the future of business. The webinar was great and based on the highlights they provided; I would highly recommend picking this up. For ESG leaders and marketers interested in consumer behavior this one will satisfy both audiences.