An episode of the Mel Robins podcast earlier this year had an interview with Steven Bartlett.

The title was “The 51% Rule” and it focused on decision making and how to make decisions better.

One of the discussions centered around the idea of reversible decisions.

Steven says that most of the decisions we make every day are reversible if we don’t like the result.

The idea is that we overthink a lot of decisions that could easily be changed.

For decisions we can reverse, we should act when we are 51% comfortable.

My Perspective

I think the ruminating over decisions happens a lot when it comes to our personal brand.

We spend countless hours “fussing” with content that can easily be changed if it’s not working.

Our resume.

The wording of a post on social media.

Re-filming a video over and over because we missed a word or had a long pause.

For solo- & entrepreneurs the list gets even longer:

Brand names.

Product offerings.


The list of things we can ruminate on can occupy full days.

What if we shifted our perspective and just put something out there?

Treated our content with the agile development process used for software.

Once the content is “in the wild” we can see how it’s doing and make adjustments from there.

Your Turn

Do you find yourself overthinking decisions that could be overturned?

What are the topics you ruminate on that fall into this category?

Is there one decision today that you could make when you are 51% comfortable?